Windows 10 calendar not opening
Windows 10 calendar not opening

windows 10 calendar not opening windows 10 calendar not opening

Copy and paste this in the window: Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online.Open Powershell as administrator (by right-clicking on the windows button).Fortunately, there is an easy fix by following these steps: It’s very likely that they will not open after you upgrade to the new build because there are some problems with licensing in the new Store Beta. One of the biggest problems of Windows 10 build 10041 affects the Mail, Calendar, and People apps. Although this build has some newly-added functionality and several bug fixes, it’s still a little rough compared to previous releases, and there are quite a few known annoyances that you’ll have to live with if you happen to install it outside of a virtual machine.

windows 10 calendar not opening

If you haven’t been living under a rock, you probably know that Microsoft has released a new build to Insiders on the ‘fast’ ring.

Windows 10 calendar not opening